Peace Day 2014

Peace Day 2014

We’ve chosen a still life with anthuriums in the Kew shop to mark Peace One Day.

This vital global initiative was set up locally in Richmond in 1999, by actor turned filmmaker Jeremy Gilley. Peace One Day’s efforts were rewarded in 2001 when the United Nations adopted the first ever annual day of global ceasefire and non-violence on 21 September – Peace Day.

The project has travelled a long way and today supporters are gathered in the Democratic Republic of Congo – a country whose people have suffered more than their fair share of conflict and violence – to launch a 2-year campaign in DRC and the Great Lakes region of Africa (Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda and Tanzania).

You can join the free celebration and awareness event online, featuring performances from international and local artists. We’ve picked a film, The Day After Peace, one of Jeremy’s first about the movement, to share with you.

May we be united for world peace not just today, but every single day.