fresh flowers

Contemporary, classic floral arrangements

View our original collection of sumptuous flowers designed by world-renowned florists


Say It With Flowers

Our bouquets paired with personalized handwritten cards from Nadia Chin Studio allow you to celebrate someone's unique personality traits with a thoughtful and meaningful gift.


Fresh Flowers Every Day

Outstanding flowers and bouquets delivered to suit your schedule

We create memorable occasions

"I really do not think of a recipe on how to put a design together,
I let it happen naturally."
Zita Elze


What Makes Us Special

  • Unbeatable Quality

    for each and every flower bouquet
    or arrangement sold.

  • Unique Aesthetic

    a blend of Brazilian fantasy, English gentleness, and Japanese rendition.

  • Delivery To Your Door

    We’ll deliver flowers straight to your door.

Zita Elze Flower Artist


Zita Elze

Award-winning floral artist, designer, teacher, creator of the Living Embroidery Collection and design consultant, Zita studied artistic bookbinding in Paris, followed by Interior Design at London’s KLC School of Design and Landscape Architecture at the Inchbald School of Design, graduating with a distinction.


Follow us on Instagram

Immerse yourself in a vibrant world of flowers and follow us on Instagram for daily inspiration and exclusive offers.


Flowers anywhere, Anytime

flower bouquet with roses, daises on greens on a chair

Zita Elze flower shop interior photo with a lot of flowers

What People Say About Us

Daises with red and yellow flowers
Flower bouquet with daises and yellow flowers in an aluminium basket

By far the best florist in Kew, Richmond. Exceptional detail and the store is beautiful! Fully recommended!


Absolutely 100% wonderful.....Customer service is above and beyond. Great friendly manner. Superb execution of delivering a surprise. I cannot speak highly enough of my experience. Applause to you all. Once again not just fantastic...Absolutely Superlative ....Thank you.


The most beautiful bouquets of flowers i have ever seen! Keep up your amazing work


Weddings and Events



What makes Zita Elze different?

Zita Elze designs the most divine, exquisitely arranged bouquets, creating memorable gifts for you and your loved ones. Our naturally talented and experienced florists design beautiful, heartfelt and original arrangements. We work with a widevariety of flowers and foliage, composing imaginative and stylish bouquets, destined to appeal to clients from every walk of life. We are discerning, mindful and discreet. 

Who is Zita Elze?

Award-winning floral artist, designer, teacher, creator of the Living Embroidery Collection and design consultant, Zita studied artistic bookbinding in Paris, followed by Interior Design at London’s KLC School of Design and Landscape Architecture at the Inchbald School of Design, graduating with a distinction.

Can I order online?

You can order flowers online for delivery to a UK address. Alternatively, if you’re local to West London, you can choose to collect your order from the Zita Elze Flowers store in Richmond. Shop our core collection of bouquets, cards and products.

Can I order in-store?

We have a selection of flowers and plants available to buy in-store. We can also help you place an order for any arrangement available on our website that isn’t in-store. We can also discuss designing bespoke florals for your event.

Our store is open:

Mon – Sat: 9AM – 4PM

Get in touch

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